Sin will grow if we let it
Week 6 Small Groups
No one is perfect is a truism that should be obvious to anyone with the least bit of self-awareness. And yet it does not explain the human condition that turns some into Nazis and others into nurses. Is it just simple social/cultural economics or is there a deeper supernatural element?
Read Genesis 4:1-16
1. What does this passage teach us about
The grace of God
The nature of sin
The demands of justice
2. What is the significance of Abel offering the firstborn of his flock? Hint: how does a farmer calculate his income?
3. God’s questioning of Cain (4:6) echoes His questioning of Adam and Eve immediately after the fall (3:9). What does that teach us about the way God confronts sin in us?
4. Why did God accept Abel’s offering and not Cain’s? Hint: what does Cain’s anger reveal about his heart/motivation?
5. Thinking only about yourself, is this passage more of a challenge or a comfort? Where is the good news?
End by praying for each other!